Fireworks Safety


 Fireworks-Related Injuries Can Cause Permanent Vision Loss

American Academy of Ophthalmology urges parents to closely supervise children around fireworks

As the Fourth of July holiday approaches and Americans make plans to celebrate the stars and stripes with a little red glare from celebratory rockets, ranging from professional public fireworks displays to amateur impromptu backyard shows, the American Academy of Ophthalmology is urging the public to take important steps to prevent fireworks-related eye injuries. The Academy asks parents and other adults to exercise caution when handling fireworks themselves and to be especially diligent in managing and monitoring their use by children.

Of the more than 9,000 fireworks injuries that occur in the United States each year, [i]  approximately 45 percent are sustained by children age 15 and under.[ii] Eyes are among the most injured body parts,[iii] and one in six fireworks-related eye injuries results in permanent vision loss or blindness.[iv]

All fireworks are dangerous if not properly handled; however, sparklers cause the most injury and are particularly dangerous since many children handle them on their own. Sparklers typically burn at 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit. That temperature is nearly 1,000 degrees hotter than the boiling point of water, double the heat required to burn wood, hot enough to melt glass and cause third-degree burns to the skin.[v] Out-of-control bottle rockets also cause some of the most serious eye injuries, including corneal abrasions, traumatic cataract, retinal detachment, optic nerve damage and rupture of the eyeball – all of which can lead to potential blindness.  

The Academy advises the public that the best way to avoid potentially blinding injuries is to attend a professional public fireworks display instead of putting on a backyard fireworks show. For those who decide to purchase and use legal consumer fireworks, the Academy recommends they follow these safety tips to prevent eye injuries:

  • Never handle fireworks without protective eyewear and ensure that all bystanders are also wearing eye protection.
  • Never let young children play with fireworks of any type. If older children are permitted to handle fireworks, ensure they are closely supervised by an adult and wear protective eyewear.        
  • Clear the area of flammable materials and view fireworks from at least 500 feet away. 
  • Leave the lighting of professional-grade fireworks to trained pyrotechnicians.

For those who attend professional fireworks displays and/or live in communities surrounding the shows:

  • Respect safety barriers at fireworks shows.
  • Do not touch unexploded display (show) fireworks; instead, immediately contact local fire or police departments to help.  

"It's crucial that the public understand the potentially devastating dangers that backyard fireworks shows can present," said Philip R. Rizzuto, M.D., ophthalmologist and communications secretary for the Academy. "The American Academy of Ophthalmology urges parents and responsible adults to be especially vigilant about these risks if children are in the presence of fireworks and follow appropriate safety tips to reduce the risk of eye injury." 

The Academy believes these tips can help to ensure safe Independence Day observances for everyone. If, however, a fireworks-related eye injury occurs, call 911 and seek medical help immediately. These injuries typically need advanced care by an ophthalmologist, a medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, medical and surgical treatment of eye diseases and conditions. 

For more fireworks safety tips and additional information on how to maintain healthy vision, visit